Dick Anstis Family Fund
Dick Anstis, was a man who rolled up his sleeves and got on with the task in hand, whatever was needed to grow his family, and to ensure the community that surrounded them was also in good stead. Dick had strong principles, and values that have endured through his guardianship of the land, and care of, and investment in, the people of Opotiki.
Richard Samuel Anstis QSM ( Quite Some Man ) was born in August 1922, and had a very difficult start in life, losing his mother days after his birth. He died just 25 days short of reaching a century. His contribution in Opotiki and the wider region including Gisborne-Tairawhiti and Whakatane has been significant and is well documented.
He played a vital role as Chair of the Regional Water Board based in Gisborne, helping to make good decisions around rivers and waterways, prioritising a reduction in erosion-prone areas through native plantings, etc.
Dick was an active serving member of Opotiki Lions, and served as Chair of the Opotiki District Council in the 1970's for eight years, has been an active Justice of the Peace until 2010, all the while farming and raising his family and caring for his ailing wife. Dick has had a long involvement with EBOP Alzhiemers, the Historical Society and Hiona-St Stephens Church, Opotiki, where he was the Peoples Warden for many years. His advice was sought after, and his mentorship of younger members of the family and the community was deeply appreciated and acknowledged.
Dick was a 'hand-up' rather than a 'hand-out' type of person and was happy to help those who also showed initiative and drive to achieve goals.
When the Opotiki community sought a subscription to raise sufficient capital to support the vision of aqua farming in the region, he was quick to apply his support to Whakatohea Mussels and Whakatohea Aquaculture, Dick was very happy to invest. He writes, "this is an important cross-cultural endeavour- the community working together - trying to improve its lot in the world and creating opportunities for its young people."
It is the sale of his shares in the aqua-farming venture that has provided for his legacy gift to the Eastern Bay.
Dicks passions were focused on the sustainability of the environment and our human existence.
'Healthy Kids' -promoting healthy lifestyles for kids through nutrition, physical activity and education.
'Youth Development'- providing tools and resources to help young people to become successful in their endeavours, including the arts.
'Connecting Kids / People to Nature' - providing opportunities for discovery and the exploration of nature that will build lifelong conservation values, particularly those seeking careers in farming the land or the ocean.
Dick wants to support through his legacy, individuals or groups who have already demonstrated an ability to identify and set their own goals. His fund will support his passions and focus on the projects likely to have the greatest impact and drive a more meaningful outcome for Opotiki and the entire Eastern Bay of Plenty region. Just as he intended.