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How to Donate

Whether you give now or later, there are lots of options for how you’d like your giving to impact your community.

Gifts, donations, and bequests to our Community Foundation are invested wisely. A portion of the annual investment income is retained for fund growth, while the remainder is distributed to charities and causes in the Eastern Bay Region (Opotiki, Whakatane, and Kawerau Districts).

Our funds support various initiatives, including health and social well-being, reducing inequity, environmental preservation, heritage, arts and culture, and education. By investing in these areas, we aim to create strong, vibrant communities.

A unique way to give

Check out our Fund Calculator here to see what the potential is for gifted funds to achieve impact for the charities and causes to which they are given. 

Donate now by debit or credit

Your support enables us to keep doing this work and continue to expand our activities to provide even more assistance to our community.

Regular giving is an easy way to support the causes you feel passionate about. You could choose to make a regular contribution directly from wages or salary.

If you would like to make the most of your donation and reduce transaction fees, please consider a direct bank transfer.

Donations of $5.00 or more are receipted and are eligible for a tax deduction.

Donate by bank transfer

If its easier you can make a donation direct from your bank account.

Our account details:

Name of Account:

Eastern Bay of Plenty Community Foundation

Account Number:





Name of the Fund you wish to support


Your Name

If you would like to receive a receipt for your donation, please email admin@easternbaycommunityfoundation.nz with your name, the date of donation, and your physical address, we will send a receipt to you.

An annual receipt for tax purposes will be issued. ( Current tax rebate is 33 1/3% on all donations over $5 )

Ways to give

Establishing a fund with the Eastern Bay Community Foundation is a wonderful way to support the causes close to your heart and home, for generations to come. 

Funds can be setup to celebrate excellence, improve health and social wellbeing of our residents, reduce inequality in our communities, preserve our precious environment, our heritage and taonga, supporting music, the arts and cultural activities, and encouraging education and learning for all ages are just some of the avenues our funds can assist with to help create resilient, robust and vibrant communities right here in the eBOP.

If you would like to create a named fund, support a scholarship opportunity, give to an existing community group fund or pass through fund, please contact us. We would love to chat with you about how we can help you give back to our community.

A minimum of $50,000 is required to seed a Named Fund or a Special Interest Fund. We will work closely with you and others involved to create a fund which best fits with your charitable objectives.

You choose the causes and projects that benefit from your generosity


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