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EBOP Riding for the Disabled Community Endowment Fund

Thanks to the foresight of a long-time volunteer with EBOP Riding for the Disabled, an endowment fund has been seeded to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the organisation. 

The community is encouraged to add to this fund, in order for this facility to remain viable and sustainable for the next fifty years, continuing to offer opportunities for those who need help.  

EBOP RDA is celebrating fifty years of commitment to 'high developmental needs' children and adults in the communities of the Eastern Bay, who have had the benefit of weekly sessions with volunteers, to improve their independence, balance, and social connection with others.  

Riding for the Disabled, as it is known throughout Aotearoa receives NO government funding and relies very much on fundraising, and the generosity of the local community to ensure they can provide a high level of service to their riders.   

Their core business is to provide therapeutic riding sessions for people with disabilities. Ages range from 5 to 60 + years.  

For the young of age with a physical disability, this not only means physical therapy appropriate to their condition, but also the opportunity to partake of an activity that crosses physical barriers and gives them a mobility more in keeping with children of their own age group. Children with a non-physical disability, such as Autistic Spectrum Disorder also benefit from the physical aspects of riding and for them the relationship with the horse comes to the fore.  


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