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Privacy Policy

General Privacy Policy

• EBCF takes the privacy of Donors seriously and is committed to protecting their personal information and to keeping personal information secure.

• The information collected by EBCF is only used in relation to the establishment and ongoing management of a donor’s named fund or interest in a general community fund. Any personal information provided is held and processed in accordance with the Privacy Act 1993. Access to Donors’ information is confined to authorised users only.

• Donors have the right to access their information and request incorrect information to be corrected. EBCF will take all reasonable steps to ensure that Donor information is accurate, up to date and relevant, and stored and processed in accordance with sound practices of record keeping and information systems management.

Donor Disclosure

This policy applies to disclosure of the following types of information:

  • Donor names

  • Donations received and Fund values for Named Endowment Funds, Living Giving Funds and Community Group Funds

  • Recipient names & grants made.

  • “Confidential” needs to be applied to documents digitally as a watermark.

Information may be disclosed to the following as detailed below:

a) EBCF Board/Trustees

All information may be disclosed to EBCF Trustees. However, the names of anonymous donors will not be published in any documentation issued to the Trustees, and will only be provided verbally if required, and subject to the approval of the Chairperson.

b) Stakeholders (including existing and potential donors, recipients, and grant funders) and General Public

  • Donor names will be disclosed unless the donor has requested anonymity in writing (e.g.: in the Memorandum of Wishes). If they wish donors can specify disclosure to recipients but not to the general public.

  • It is good practice for the Foundation Manager to seek specific approval from any Donor before using their name or donor story in any written material.

  • Individual fund values and the value of individual donations received will not be disclosed to anyone except the Donor and Trustees unless permission has been granted by the Donor in writing (e.g.: in the Memorandum of Understanding for Community Organisations.) For this reason, numerical codes are used in the annual accounts and in the annual report.

  • Recipient names will be disclosed unless anonymity has been requested and it is deemed appropriate by the Chair of the Distribution Committee

  • With the exception of reports prepared for the Board from time-to-time (which will be marked “Confidential”), Financial Statements will not list individual Fund values, or the value of individual donations received from Donors.

  • Details of the total Fund value and total donations received, and distributions made each year from EBCF’s Community Fund, and any Special Purpose Funds will be publicly available

Anonymous Donors

To ensure the anonymity of Anonymous Donors:

  • In the financial records, filing systems and reports to Trustees, the Donor will be referred to as Donor Ax (A = First letter of donor’s surname; x is a sequential number)

  • In any publicly available information, the Donor will be referred to as “Anonymous”.

  • The Administration Staff have full access to the contact database Infoodle. The Trustees could have some restrictions. This database contains the contact details of all stakeholders, including anonymous donors. In the Donation section, the level of disclosure approved by the Donor is to be noted, and “ANONYMOUS” is to be clearly shown when appropriate.

  • In the event that there is a breach of confidentiality, immediate steps shall be taken to advise the donor of the nature of the breach and any steps taken by EBCF to amend the breach. Should the breach relate to a deceased donor, efforts shall be made to advise the donor’s next of kin. 



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