Whakaari Eruption Disaster Response Fund
After the Whakaari/White Island eruption on December 9th, 2019, the Eastern Bay Community Foundation responded by setting up the Whakaari Response Fund where donations made were to be used to support New Zealand based victims of the eruption, their rehabilitation and counselling, and local first responders.
The Eastern Bay Community Foundation is accepting donations for the NZ-based victims of the Whakaari/White Island tragedy.
The eruption on Monday 9th December 2019 affected many and this fund was setup in 2019 to support victims (NZ based), organisations and first responders involved in the tragedy.
"The events on Whakaari (White Island) on Monday 9 December horrified and saddened us all. The Eastern Bay Community Foundation is seeking funds to provide for the long-term rehabilitation and trauma counselling of the victims and of those who responded so magnificently to the tragedy.
As the Chair of the Bay of Plenty District Health Board I have seen how much some of the latter were affected by what they saw and did. Much support has already gone in, but more will be needed. If you can help, please do." - Michael Cullen, KNZM
Foundation Chair, Doug Bull, says that it is important to provide a mechanism for people to show their longer-term support for victims.
“We know that there will be long-term needs, including rehabilitation and trauma-counselling of NZ- based victims and support workers, and we will safeguard these funds for where the greatest needs are in the future. In the meantime, other agencies, such as Victim Support and the Red Cross, are undertaking their essential work on the ground, and we urge people to continue to also donate for immediate needs,” Mr Bull said.
Decisions on how donations to the Eastern Bay Community Foundation Whakaari Fund will be used will be made in collaboration with affected groups and victims and will be focused on medium to long-term support, along with support to organisations locally who were first responders involved in the tragedy for training purposes, enabling these volunteer led organisations to always 'be prepared' and be professional in times of need.
So far funds have been distributed to:
Coastguard Whakatāne
Whakatane Volunteer Fire Brigade
St John Friends of the Emergency Department
Whakatane Search and Rescue
St Johns Whakatane Branch
Victim Support
Te Manuka Tutahi Marae
Waiariki Maori Womens Welfare League
Charter to Whakaari for families
Training course fees (Victim)
The Eastern Bay Community Foundation endeavour to distribute donations to New Zealand based victims of the eruption, as they go through rehabilitation, as well as supporting first responders.